These pages represent the ‘official’ part of the website. Included are the various documents that the Parish Council are required to publish. Information about contacting your councillors, dates so far planned for meetings in the future and minutes of past meetings. The Councils Standing Orders for procedure and its Financial Regulations are also published in full on the site.
Agendas for meetings are published three clear days before the day of the meeting both on village notice boards and on this site.
Members of the public are always welcome at meetings. Those wishing to speak should notify the Clerk by noon on the day of the meeting. They will be allowed to speak for no more than 3 minutes and, if more than one person wishes to speak, the Chairman will decide on the order of speaking.
Planning applications are considered at Council meetings. Reports to recent meetings are available on this site. The Council’s final decisions on each application and recommendations to Hart District Council are recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Minutes are published on this website and are available on request to the Clerk.